Adoptium® Software Products Marketplace Policy


The Adoptium Marketplace provides users easy access to a wide variety of high-quality fully compatible OpenJDK Java binaries, and provides the organizations producing those binaries a mechanism to broaden the distribution of their Java runtimes.

User Benefits

Every binary available via the Adoptium marketplace website and API is Java SE compatible and has demonstrated that it is ready for production use in a wide variety of environments by passing the AQAvit quality verification suite.

The AQAvit verification suite evaluates Java runtimes for functional correctness, performance, resilience, security, and the ability to pass a wide variety of application test suites. As a result, enterprises are provided with a higher degree of confidence in the binaries they’re bringing into their companies and incorporating into their software supply chains.

Producer Benefits

The following benefits are enjoyed by all producers listed in the Adoptium marketplace.

  • Demonstrates that their product is a high quality offering, ready for enterprise usage, having passed the required Java-compatibility and AQAvit quality inclusion criteria.

  • Shows their product meets all the Eclipse Adoptium Working Group requirements for security, scalability, durability, and functional correctness at a specific version and build.

  • Declares the provider is a participant in the Adoptium community and supports the definition and scope of the AQAvit quality criteria across the industry.

  • Listed products benefit from Adoptium Working Group sponsored marketing and promotion initiatives across the industry with the support of the Eclipse Foundation.

Inclusion in the marketplace is open to all strategic and enterprise members of the Adoptium working group at no additional cost to the provider, is non-exclusive, and preserves the opportunity to supply paid services alongside the offering.

AQAvit Software Product Verification

Only those products that pass the AQAVit software product verification test suite and comply with the obligations of the Eclipse Foundation Quality Verification Suite License may be included in the Adoptium Marketplace.

It is necessary to verify every binary that wishes to be included in the Adoptium Marketplace. It is not necessary to be an Adoptium working group member to produce an AQAvit verified software product.

Java SE Compatibility

Compliance with the Java SE Specification is determined exclusively through the use of Oracle’s Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) for the Java Platform, also referred to as the Java Compatibility Kit (JCK).

The JCK test kit is the property of Oracle, and is not available under an open source license. Eclipse does not test third-party software products for Java compatibility. Producers should approach Oracle to secure their own license to use the JCK for such purposes.

Listing in the Adoptium Marketplace

The Adoptium Marketplace is an opportunity for Adoptium Working Group Members (“Producers”) to showcase software products and open source projects (“Products”) that have demonstrated they are of high-quality and are enterprise ready.

Products listed in the marketplace MUST adhere to the following criteria.

  1. The Product must pass the relevant Eclipse AQAvit quality verification suite (QVS) and comply with the Eclipse Foundation Quality Verification Suite License.

  2. The Producer must declare to the satisfaction of the Adoptium Working Group that the Product has passed the applicable Java SE Technology Compatibility Kit.

  3. The Producer must be a Participant, Enterprise or Strategic Member of the Adoptium Working Group.

  4. The Producer must execute the Eclipse Adoptium Marketplace Publisher Agreement and comply with all the obligations thereof.

Products that meet these requirements are eligible to be listed in the marketplace. To be listed, the Producer should open a request with the Adoptium Working Group seeking inclusion as a Producer in the marketplace.

Changes to this policy are made by the Adoptium Working Group Steering Committee.

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tellison gdams
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Eclipse Temurin offers high-performance, cross-platform, open-source Java runtime binaries that are enterprise-ready and Java SE TCK-tested for general use in the Java ecosystem.

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Eclipse Temurin offers high-performance, cross-platform, open-source Java runtime.

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