Temurin Reproducible Verification Build on Windows x64

The following instructions detail the process of rebuilding identically from "source" in a secure build environment, a reproducible build for a given Eclipse Temurin release on the Windows x64 platform. The process is performed in a secure manner, using only the upstream sources and official Microsoft Visual Studio build tooling, so as to provide a mechanism to securely verify the given Eclipse Temurin release binary. This verification then helps determine the security of the supply chains used to build the Eclipse Temurin official release binaries.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Build environment setup

  • Install the required version of Microsoft Visual Studio Builds Tools edition for the C/C++ compiler

  • Determine the OpenJDK make configuration arguments matching the Eclipse Temurin options

  • Build the local Eclipse Temurin JDK

  • Compare the secure local Eclipse Temurin re-build to the official Eclipse Temurin binary, using the Adoptium temurin-build comparison script that adjusts for comparing against "signed" native executables

Windows x64 reproducible verification build procedure

  1. Build Environment

    To re-build identically Eclipse Temurin on Windows x64, a suitable Windows build environment with the exact same required Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools is required, and it is necessary to remove any previous existing potential conflicting versions.

    Ensure any previous Microsoft Visual Studio components are uninstalled using Windows Settings→"Add or remove programs", including:

    • Visual Studio <Edition> 20xx …​

    • Microsoft C++ <year..year> Redistributables

    • Microsoft Visual Studio Installer

    • Windows Software Development Kit

    • Windows SDK Addon

  2. Ensure Windows system Time zone is UTC to ensure an identical build

    Set the Windows "Time zone" to UTC, by checking the Windows Settings→"Time & Language" → "Date & time" → "Time zone" value.

  3. Re-boot the Windows machine after uninstalling any programs or changing the Time Zone.

  4. Install the required version of Microsoft Visual Studio

    Install Microsoft Visual Studio VS2022 “Build Tools” edition version 17.7.3 which contains version 19.37.32822 of the C/C++ compiler:

  5. Install required build dependencies:

    Install Cygwin with required dependencies to build OpenJDK:

    curl -L -O
    curl -l -O
    # Verify download: Import "Cygwin <>" GPG key
    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 1A698DE9E2E56300
    gpg --verify setup-x86_64.exe.sig setup-x86_64.exe
    # Check for “Good signature”

    Assuming setup-x86_64.exe is secure and GPG verify reports "Good signature", then install Cygwin:

    setup-x86_64.exe --packages autoconf,automake,bsdtar,cmake,cpio,curl,gcc-core,git,gnupg,grep,jq,libtool,make,mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core,perl,rsync,unzip,wget,zip --download --local-install --delete-orphans --site --local-package-dir C:\cygwin_packages --root C:\cygwin64
  6. Start a Cygwin terminal windows to perform the build from within

    Double click the "Cygwin Terminal" desktop icon to open a new Cygwin terminal running the bash shell

  7. Determine required build configuration for reproducing the target Eclipse Temurin release

    For the required Eclipse Temurin release version, download the SBOM and SBOM-metadata from the official Adoptium release binaries repository, eg.for jdk-21.0.4+7:

    curl -L -O
    curl -L -O
  8. Determine upstream OpenJDK source tag to be built

    Open the SBOM json file and determine the "SCM Ref" the release was built from

              "name" : "SCM Ref",
              "value" : "jdk-21.0.4+7_adopt"

    The upstream OpenJDK tag is this value without the "_adopt", eg. "jdk-21.0.4+7"

  9. Download a suitable Boot JDK

    To build Temurin you need a suitable Boot JDK, open the SBOM json file and determine the version used to build the release

            "name" : "BOOTJDK",
            "version" : "20.0.2+9"

    Securely download and verify the required version from the<NN>-binaries/releases

    # Download JDK zip
    curl -L -O
    # Download GPG sig file to verify
    curl -L -O
    # Verify JDK using Adoptium GPG key
    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 3B04D753C9050D9A5D343F39843C48A565F8F04B
    echo -e "5\ny\n" |  gpg --batch --command-fd 0 --expert --edit-key 3B04D753C9050D9A5D343F39843C48A565F8F04B trust;
    gpg --verify

    Ensure "Good signature from Adoptium GPG Key (DEB/RPM Signing Key)"

    Unzip into a suitable folder


    Add to the PATH environment, so that java and javac tooling are available to scripts used later in these instructions.

    export PATH=<bootjdk>/bin:$PATH
  10. Clone required upstream OpenJDK source

    Replace jdk21u with the upstream release being built

    git clone
    # Checkout required tag to build
    (cd jdk21u && git checkout <OpenJDK tag to build>)
  11. Create a specific local build directory

    Note: This is required ONLY for jdk-21.0.4+7 due to a reproducible build issue ( For later versions this is unnecessary.

    Create the following exact local build directory for the build, the path must match this for the build to be identically reproducible.

    mkdir -p C:/workspace/openjdk-build/workspace/build/openjdkbuild
  12. Configure build

    Determine and edit the "configure args" to match your local environment

    1. Determine the configure arguments for this build

      Use the following grep to find the required configure arguments from the SBOM-metadata.json

      grep "using configure arguments" <SBOM-metadata.json> | sed -n -e "s/^.*using configure arguments '\(.*\)'\..*/\1/p"
    2. Remove -–with-cacerts-src=<path>, as Temurin is built with Mozilla CA certs, whereas the local build will use the standard OpenJDK CA certs.

    3. Update --with-ucrt-dll-dir=<path>, to ensure it matches location on your local machine, specify:

      --with-ucrt-dll-dir='C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Redist/10.0.22621.0/ucrt/DLLs/x64'
    4. Replace -–with-boot-jdk=<path>, with the path to your local unzipped boot jdk from above.

      Configure from the "C:/workspace/openjdk-build/workspace/build/openjdkbuild" directory

      cd C:/workspace/openjdk-build/workspace/build/openjdkbuild
      bash ~/jdk21u/configure <edited configure args>
  13. Build Temurin

    make images

    The built image will be available under directory: /cygdrive/c/workspace/openjdk-build/workspace/build/openjdkbuild/images/jdk

  14. Download offical Eclipse Temurin release to be verified

    Download and unpack the Temurin JDK to be verified:

    curl -L -o
  15. Download and setup the Adoptium temurin-build reproducible build comparison tooling for Windows

    Due to the Temurin “signing signatures” of the Windows .exe/dll’s, processing is necessary to remove the unique digital signatures using the Windows signtool.exe tool. To aid this process and perform the comparison the Adoptium temurin-build tooling provides a reproducible compare script.

    Perform the following steps to clone and setup your environment to run the temurin-build reproducible compare script:

    • git clone

    • cd temurin-build/tooling

    • Compile

      javac src/java/temurin/tools/
    • Find “signtool.exe” and add to PATH, eg:

      export PATH=/cygdrive/c/progra~2/wi3cf2~1/10/bin/10.0.22621.0/x64:$PATH
    • Find “dumpbin.exe” and add to PATH, eg:

      export PATH=/cygdrive/c/progra~2/micros~2/2022/BuildTools/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.37.32822/bin/Hostx64/x64:$PATH
    • cd reproducible

    • Set CLASSPATH to find the compiled BinRepl.class, eg.

      export CLASSPATH=../src/java
  16. Verify the local secure re-build is identical to the official Eclipse Temurin binary

    Compare the local re-build to the Eclipse Temurin official JDK. This script involves unpacking the jmod’s and removing all the unique Temurin signing "Signatures", this process takes a while to complete (roughly 30 minutes):

    bash ./ temurin ~/jdk-21.0.4+7 openjdk /cygdrive/c/workspace/openjdk-build/workspace/build/openjdkbuild/images/jdk CYGWIN

    For a successful verification the script should report a reproducible result of 100%.

    Comparing /home/user/jdk-21.0.4+7 with /cygdrive/c/workspace/openjdk-build/workspace/build/openjdkbuild/images/jdk ... output to file: reprotest.diff
    Number of differences: 0
    ReproduciblePercent = 100 %
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