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Latest Temurin


Other ways to install Temurin

Eclipse Temurin offers high-performance, cross-platform, open-source Java runtime binaries that are enterprise-ready and Java SE TCK-tested for general use in the Java ecosystem.

Temurinruntime container + Alpaquita

TemurinJDK Containers

Linux Repositories

Package Managers


REST Discovery API

Frequently asked questions

Eclipse Temurin offers high-performance, cross-platform, open-source Java runtime.

Have a question that hasn’t been answered? Get in touch

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

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